“I started working with Betsy and Kelly in September, and by February I had lost 15 lbs. But that is only a small part of the value they have brought to my life. I am healthier than I have been in years and am continuing to become more fit every day with the help and support of Carolina Nutrition Specialists. The funny thing is, I am no slouch. I work out regularly and was a pretty healthy eater. I have been fit and trim most of my life. However the combination of getting older and traveling constantly for work had left me tired and overweight. I was having constant stomach discomfort and nothing I tried budged the pounds a bit. Betsy and Kelly were able to see the imbalances that I had in my diet. I was resistant to some of their suggestions, but they persisted in getting me to take small steps toward health every week. Soon, I was feeling so much better and stronger that making more changes felt easy and my resistance lessened. And then the weight practically fell off. I now have strategies to remain fit and trim, regardless of travel and other circumstances that I encounter in my very busy life. And I have my nutrition allies by my side! As a business owner and professional myself, I can’t say enough about their commitment to their profession and clients. Their commitment to their profession means that they stay on top of the very latest research and figure out how to make it actionable and useful for you. They take the time to understand where you are and devise manageable strategies to help you transition to a healthier approach to nourishing yourself. Their program is rock solid and highly customized to each person. They watch carefully what you eat and tweak the program until you have a winning formula. And then... look out! You life is going to change. And you’ll be glad it did.
Goal: Wanted to learn how to eat healthy while also losing weight
Results: Lost 15 lbs”
— Anna
“Betsy and Kelly are great teachers who’s passion for healthy life style they love to share. They have the ability to help their clients walk through the steps of taking control of their lives. They don’t offer ‘quick fixes’ or ‘packaged diet plans’ so if that’s what you are seeking these aren’t the folks for you. But if you want to change your life in a sustainable way and are willing to commit yourself to the process, these women will help you reach goals you cannot imagine. When you are really ready for change you’ll know it and do yourself the biggest favor.....contact CNS.
Goal: Came in to turn around her Diabetes
Results: Lost 123 lbs, is no longer Diabetic and no longer has to take medication! ”
— Cathy
“Betsy and Kelly at Carolina Nutrition Specialists changed my life 18 months ago. For the most part, I’ve eaten primarily whole foods throughout my life. But there is SO much more to it than that. With their help, I learned the truth behind sugars, carbs, proteins, fats and fiber, and how to balance them for my optimal health. And in the process, I lost 30+ pounds, and felt immensely better physically inside and out, as well as emotionally. I am so grateful for them and their passion for helping others discover good nutrition & health.
Goal: Wanted to optimize her health
Results: Lost 30 lbs and feels great! ”
— Sandra
“Truly blessed to have Betsy and Kelly in my life. I have tried so long to do it on my own. With their guidance and support I am really succeeding now. In all areas-not just in losing weight .
Goal: Looking for health guidance
Results: Lost 20 lbs and learned how to take control of her eating habits”